Our rising PR superstar pens his thoughts on life at Priority

Enriching – this is the word that best describes my Priority experience. Having joined the company…

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Design Chronicles – The Event Logo

When generating publicity for an upcoming event, it’s always good practice to start with a strong…

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A drive down PR AVE

Advertising Value Equivalency (AVEs) has been a common metric to assign financial value to public…

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The R in Revenue

With dark clouds looming over the world's financial markets, enterprises are preparing for the…

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PR In Singapore

Singapore may be a small country, but the communications landscape is a broad and diverse one.…

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Public Relations?

The term “public relations” or PR for short, is often misunderstood and most often mistaken to mean…

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A sorry Tiger that had too much Wood!

Some days ago, I was having a get together with some buddies of mine for a game of poker. Cards in…

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Social Media for the Economic Downturn

10 years ago, Asia reeled from the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997-1998. This was followed by the…

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Life @ Priority

It was a mixture of excitement, fear and anxiety when I first started work at Priority Consultants.…

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