It was a mixture of excitement, fear and anxiety when I first started work at Priority Consultants. Theoretically, this isn’t my first job, but I’ve barely worked for a year before I joined. The thought of how my life was going to change and how I will be forced into adulthood – it brought me some mixed emotions.

I believe the learning curve at the commencement of each job is always the steepest. I scrambled to understand my job scope and responsibility and strived to adapt to my new colleagues and environment. It took some getting used to, even the part when you have to explain to your friends, what is exactly “Public Relations”.

It took me some time, but I am proud to say that I’ve adapted to this dynamic work environment! One moment I could be pitching to the business or technology media about an interview, inviting them for a media briefing… and the next moment I’m working on a newsletter or crafting out relevant interview angles to writing a press release. How exciting is that?!

I am thoroughly enjoying my job thus far.

“People from all walks of life” would be the best phrase to describe the different characteristics of my colleagues. They’re random, fun and vivacious, they’re the people who make my working life colourful and enjoyable!

Stay tuned for the next entry, where I will be sharing my thoughts on our daily interaction.