Your Communications
Partner across Asia

We are headquartered in Singapore with the rest of Southeast Asia and India literally in our backyard. From years of experience, we keep things simple and knowing that success means adapting to change, we understand the importance of being flexible. That is why most clients have one contract to cover the work across as many countries as needed and a single point of contact to provide the counsel in developing the programmes. From there, we cascade the plans to our in-country teams making sure valuable client time is not spent reinventing the wheel.

We also recognize that some clients may want to try out a new territory as part of their own expansion plans, or shift focus from one country to another. Our approach enables this flexibility while making sure knowledge acquired within the team is not lost as new regions open up. Plus, we know our region inside out so we will guide and support our clients as they develop campaigns and strategies for Southeast Asia and India. After all, what works in one country could be a dismal flop in another.

In short, we are a leading Public Relations agency that understands the importance of technology and knows Asia.

The Priority Blog

News and insights from our team across the region