Coffee with Nolan

As the haze dissipates, we have coffee and chat with our Marketing and Events Manager, Nolan, as he…

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Shop Till You Drop

Comments by Virginia Joy, Media Relations Shop till you drop in Singapore Jakarta Post Article:…

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Our rising PR superstar pens his thoughts on life at Priority

Enriching – this is the word that best describes my Priority experience. Having joined the company…

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Design Chronicles – The Event Logo

When generating publicity for an upcoming event, it’s always good practice to start with a strong…

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Teamwork and groupwork – what does it matter

We've had a successful year in 2010. What started with ominous warnings about a double dip…

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5 Things You Should Know About Social Media

1. Facebook is social media (or social media is Facebook) Yes and No. Facebook only represents a…

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A nod to notable Asia Pacific leaders and companies

Singapore – September 20, 2010 – Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2010 (APEA), by The APF Group…

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Misunderstanding Social Media

“Social Media”, the new catchphrase… time and again we hear of a successfully executed social media…

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