SingaporeSeptember 20, 2010Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards 2010 (APEA), by The APF Group and Enterprise Asia, returns for the second year in a row to Singapore on the 29 October 2010 to become part of the group of regionally recognise outstanding entrepreneurs across Asia. APEA serves as a platform for business leaders and leading entrepreneurs to network, exchange insights and establish a lifelong rapport.

APEA seeks to create an Asia that is rich in entrepreneurship as an engine towards sustainable and progressive economic and social development within a world of economic inequality.

In which AREA, better known as Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards; further highlight efforts by entrepreneurs and companies to promote sustainable human resources practices and ethical business culture.

Since 2007, the Awards have been presented in 16 countries across Asia Pacific to acknowledge outstanding and innovative entrepreneur. The Awards that will be held at Shangri-La Hotel (Singapore) this year aims to encourage inspiring entrepreneurs to take life changing risk and ground breaking differences to maximise their personal potential to the fullest of their ability.

“APEA is unique and has one of the most stringent criteria in the Asia Pacific. The Awards recognises sustained entrepreneurial efforts within the region and encourage our entrepreneurs to step out of their comfort zones and expand their horizons,” says William Ng, president of Enterprise Asia. “By bringing APEA to Singapore, we have combined the objectives of recognising excellent entrepreneurship as well as inspiring budding entrepreneurs.”

The Awards welcomes any owner or CEO of any business industry wide within Singapore to be a part of Asia Pacific’s Most Prestigious Awards for entr epreneurs. APEA supported by ACCA and SICC will be judged by auditors, judges and staff members of ICO and Enterprise Asia. Its official auditor, RSM Chio Lim Stone Forest is the largest accounting group outside the big 4.

The Criteria

To be eligible for the Awards, nominees should posses either one of these criteria. First, nominee must be the owner-manager who is responsible for the company’s daily performance. Nominee should also uphold a righteous integrity to both his business and the general public.

Second, nominee can be the founder of the business who retains a substantial percentage of 20% or more the company’s equity.

Thirdly, the CEO of the company should be in the position for three or more years and has steadily increased the company’s financial performance since taking over the rein. Lastly, to qualify for the Most Promising Entrepreneurship Awards and Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Awards, APEA require the minimum revenue of US$1 million and US$10 million cumulative annual turnover respectively.

What are the Categories?

Special Achievement Awards consist of Entrepreneur of the Year, Women Entrepreneur of the Year, Young Entrepreneur of the Year are crème de la crème of Entrepreneur. These winners often acquire multiple businesses or a publicly-listed company; businesses are normally built from scratch or have taken the company to great heights after taking over the reins.

Lifetime Achieve Award is given to entrepreneurs with an exceptional entrepreneurial spirit and are worthy to be honoured and remembered by generations to come.

Most Outstanding Entrepreneur Awards are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exemplary entrepreneurial attributes to inspiring entrepreneurs. These outstanding individual are often geared with a vivid vision and direction for their companies, they possess the ability to bypass hurdles in difficult adverse situations and environments.

Most Promising Entrepreneurship Awards are individuals who have displayed outstanding accomplishments in the past and in the present, and have the vision (and goals to take a leap of faith) when leading their companies and are our future leaders.

About Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards

The Asia Pacific Entrepreneurship Awards (APEA) is Asia Pacific most prestigious awards for entrepreneurs. It is a recognition program for outstanding entrepreneurs across Asia, given in honour of enterprising men and women who have proven their enterprising spirit, whist not neglecting the social responsibilities that comes with business leadership.

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For media information contact:

Gerlynn Ho
Priority Consultants
6338 1006