Myth-busting PR in Asia Pacific (APAC)

One thing we get asked by a lot of US and EMEA companies is how best to build their brand, product…

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Top 3 things I learn from the media in Asia – First stop: Hong Kong

Despite all these years in the communications and PR business, I still find things that amaze and…

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The most overlooked business to business marketing tool – The White paper

The classic white paper has been around for almost one hundred years having originated in Great…

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Advise vs Good Advise

Five ways you can become a trusted advisor

Whether you are selling consumer health products or wealth management services or even enterprise…

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Five Content Marketing trends to watch in 2017

Companies are scrambling to publish more content than ever before. Savvy brand builders need to…

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If the ‘Customer is Always Right’, Something is Wrong

There was an interesting article in the Huffington Post last month that got my attention.  The…

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The Little Red Melting Pot

One of Priority Consultants’ young whipper snappers discusses the cultural melting pot that is…

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Coffee with Nolan

As the haze dissipates, we have coffee and chat with our Marketing and Events Manager, Nolan, as he…

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“How the ‘Toilet Man’ and George Yeo made it happen”

Congratulations to Jack Sim! We are truly proud of you on the fulfillment of a life-long mission…

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Shop Till You Drop

Comments by Virginia Joy, Media Relations Shop till you drop in Singapore Jakarta Post Article:…

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