Companies are scrambling to publish more content than ever before. Savvy brand builders need to stay ahead of the curve. Here are five trends we think will take 2017 by storm.

1. Use of user experience and endorsements

Business to business (B2B) marketers are slowly realising the potential of influencers and actual user. In other words case studies will be BIG.

It may sound ordinary, but studies have shown that it is a very effective content marketing tactic – delivering results in lead generation. Case studies and user experiences portrays you as an authority and a trusted partner. This then increases the trust confidence in your product and your organisation.

Influencer marketing has seen its popularity skyrocket with studies conducted by Tapinfluence and Nielsen, estimating influencer marketing delivers 11 times the Returns On Investments (ROI) over traditional advertising. From influencer posts on Instagram and YouTube to sponsored posts on Snapchat to Facebook Live conversations, there will be a significant increase in the amount of not-so-organic content on social media.

2. Videos and visual communications

Expect to see a significant increase in the use of Live Video in 2017. Social media platforms are adjusting to meet the changing needs from audiences, especially for video content.

Live videos, especially, is the next big thing. Facebook is learning the importance of keeping audiences engaged, and have been pushing for longer formats, prompting marketers to focus on quality, not quantity.

The game changer for B2B marketers will be when LinkedIn joins the game. Imagine the evolution of the webinar to a targeted, verified audience.

3. Omni channel delivery is critical

 Information consumers today connect to the digital world through more than one devices or platform with multiple touchpoints, from websites to mobile applications.

An omni-channel approach will be imperative in 2017 as marketers need to be available when and where a customer wants her/his information. Marketers who master this will win big and deliver results while aligning their messaging, goals, objectives, and design across each channel and device.

4. Content with social element wins

They way in which we consume content may have changed over the years but one thing remains true: it’s quite simply in our nature to be interested in stories that involve fellow human beings and society.

Storytelling is a key part of content marketing. But the idea of content for content’s sake is beginning to tire out audiences. So start telling them your “war stories” and experiences – somewhere, someone will be motivated to act and reach out. Engage with your story and see the difference.

5. Push advertising to fade

Mobile is overtaking desktop, and lowering ad rates with it. Ad blockers and general distaste for online advertising are making it harder to reach consumers.

We expect to see a fading of push advertising, with native advertising taking its place.

What is native advertising then? Native advertising is a form of paid media where the ad experience follows the digital journey of the user with subtle pop-ups and suggestions influencing the user.

With the right eye and skills, the marketing professional can truly blend sponsored content into its surroundings so that many read it and trust it as if it were a part of its environment.

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