Behind the Scenes of an Award Nominated Regional Campaign
Priority Consultants was shortlisted as a finalist in the Best Regional PR category for the…
Building Media Relationships through Virtual Coffee Sessions
Building Media Relationships through Virtual Coffee SessionsAs the COVID-19 lockdowns continue…
The EDSA Anniversary: The 32nd People Power Revolution of the Philippines
In the Philippines, EDSA People Power Revolution is a special public holiday that is celebrated…
Five ways you can become a trusted advisor
Whether you are selling consumer health products or wealth management services or even enterprise…
If the ‘Customer is Always Right’, Something is Wrong
There was an interesting article in the Huffington Post last month that got my attention. The…
Doing good is good for you
We are now doing pro-bono work for a local non-profit organisation, Life Community Services…
The Simple Handshake
Arsene Wenger, Arsenal Football Club’s manager, and a handshake, or to be more accurate, the lack…
Art, design and a cause
My first experience with art and design as a form of community service arose when I spent a summer…
The Little Red Melting Pot
One of Priority Consultants’ young whipper snappers discusses the cultural melting pot that is…
Shop Till You Drop
Comments by Virginia Joy, Media Relations Shop till you drop in Singapore Jakarta Post Article:…