We are now doing pro-bono work for a local non-profit organisation, Life Community Services Society (LCSS). Stuff like this is in our DNA – over the years, we have done work for other organisations like the Bone Marrow Donor Programme (BMDP) and the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth.

Our latest project allows us to engage with LCSS to work with children and families who are mostly from the lower income group, and children whose parent(s) is/are presently/formerly incarcerated.  When I first started working with them in my previous job at Seagate, I felt that its “Friends of Children” programme was a very meaningful way to volunteer. As a mentor to a child who is in need for a good adult role model, you would be able touch his or her life at a much deeper level and you can actually see them improve over time instead of just donating money or building a school where you don’t get to see the results of your work first hand.

Naveen and I actually planned to volunteer as mentors but when we told our boss Kunalan about it, he was keen to support LCSS as well. So he suggested that we help them with their publicity instead. It made more sense for us to leverage our expertise in public relations to get more exposure for this great programme, reach out to even more volunteers, and raise awareness of the good work that LCSS is doing.

Doing work like this makes it feel like it’s not quite work anymore and we can bring that freshness and energy to the work that actually pays the bills. I would encourage everyone to do some volunteer work if you can and I’m thankful that we have an environment where we get  support and flexibility to do such meaningful work.One other thing – LCSS is looking to raise $630,000 at their 2nd annual charity run, Run for Life, which will take place at East Coast Park on 19 July 2014. Money raised from the race will help fund the many programmes run by LCSS for less-fortunate children.So sign up to do some good. It’s good for you.