“Food is our common ground, a universal experience,” said James Beard, who did so much to bring French cooking to the American middle and upper classes in the 1950s.

We haven’t seen too much gourmet French cuisine yet, but there’s still plenty of time as the Great Priority Cook-Off returns after the mid-season break. Monday September 3rd will see four highly anticipated matches, each with the potential to create big changes in the league table.

First up is Amelia, at one win and one loss, against Bryan, who has a single win and two losses so far. Bryan’s dishes tend toward the Eurasian specialities, whereas Amelia’s are, well, unique to Amelia. Expectations are high for this one.
Next in the lists come Nolan, at 1-1, cooking up a storm against Angelia, who in her quiet, unemotional way has racked up a 3 – 1 win-loss record. A dark horse indeed! If she can keep this up, a lot of smart money is going to be put on her spatula. Will it be main course or dessert from Angelia? Will Nolan recreate the buzz that greeted his earlier Dry Mee Siam (still probably the single most popular dish in the whole competition so far)? The Priority diners are smacking their lips!

The third contest sees Francis, who finally scored a win last time out to sit at 1-3, up against Gerlynn who boasts a 2-1 record so far. This one could go either way. Will it be mid-table mediocrity or is a breakaway on the cards for one of these two excellent chefs?

The final match-up of the day is the pick of the bunch, a real David and Goliath battle that sees runaway leader Kunalan pitching his unbeaten 3-0 lead against Joy who, at 0-2, has yet to record a victory! It looks like a walkover, but no-one is betting against Joy coming up with some unexpected dish from an obscure region of Indonesia. No-one wants to miss this epic (epicurean!) fixture – stay tuned, food fans, for the results and match reports!