The Power of “E”

One of the best things about this job is working with corporate voices  and let’s face it, over…

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The building blocks of a relationship

I’m not a sporty person – although I’m relatively au-fait with the EPL - and walking is my token…

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Dear Tiger…

I’m not a golfer – indeed, hardly know one end of a club from the other – and living in Singapore,…

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Word Power

I was invited to attend a dinner last night for a local sports league – a group of squash teams…

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How do you manage employee exits professionally?

CEO 101 (Today, 19th Oct 2009) It’s important to understand the reasons for the exit and respond…

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Putting the “Relationship” back in the business

For a business that’s founded on people, it never ceases to amaze me just how few “relationships”…

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The Power of a Good Word

I cry at the movies, leak tears reading books and a sad story sees me tissue in hand…Watching a…

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The King of Pop is Dead!

If you’re reading this, then the odds are you got the news within hours – and I guess like most of…

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