It is hard to differentiate Asia from the rest of the world as the boundaries that once existed between an employee and employer have been re-drawn across most parts of the “westernised” world under pressure from globalisation and increasingly the impact of Gen-Y on the workforce. This can deliver significant advantage to the organisation, especially in the SME-dominated Asian arena, where staff buy-in to a corporate vision or goal can be critical to success.

Time and commitment is needed to not only communicate with the work-force but also to ensure understanding and alignment to the corporate goals. Too many organisations talk about people being an “asset” but fail to deliver and today the disconnect becomes even more apparent as employees increasingly want their job to fit their lifestyle rather than the other way around.

At Priority, we have clearly defined criteria that we “match” against any potential hire to help us identify a cultural fit. Thereafter, training and collaboration is a daily process and through this learning experience, we can better understand the motivations and drivers within our teams and in turn retain employees for shared success across personal and organisational goals.

Views from the Top – (BT 2th October 2009)