Week Four saw just three matches – but each one was a symphony of delights for the palate and the eyes!

Constance maintained her track record of delivering unusual dishes, with her Three Potato Salad – featuring spicy, sweet and classic flavourings.  Lip-smackingly scrumptious, was the unanimous verdict.  However, Constance was taken to the wire by Joy, who presented another Indonesian classic, her Ayam Kicap (marinated chicken in sweet sauce). This also met with warm approval. The outcome? A win for Constance by a mere half-a-point!

Next up were Joseph and Francis.  Joseph introduced the Priority lunchtime crowd to another Filipino favourite – Ginataang Sugpo.  Not only does this sound wonderful, it tasted divine too!  Sugpo is Tagalog for tiger prawns, and Ginataang refers to the heavenly coconut sauce – what a combination, and no wonder this dish scored the highest points of the day.  A bit tough on Francis, perhaps, whose entry  was Organic Seaweed (sea-bird’s nest) Jelly.  Cool and colourful, and according to Francis especially good for the skin , prevents anemia and improves metabolism.  The Priority diners lapped it up, but when the dishes were digested, their votes went to the prawns.

Finally we were treated to Creamy Chicken with Mushrooms from Nolan – a hot favourite following his demonstration of kitchen mastery in an earlier fixture – pitched against Bryan’s Mashed Potatoes with Spicy Black Pepper Sauce.  Perhaps it was the Singaporean craving for spicy flavours that did the trick, because it was Bryan who edged out Nolan by a single point.

We’re beginning to see some movement in the league table now.  Is it like the Tour de France, where Bradley Wiggins’ stamina was everything, or is it more like Usain Bolt blitzing the pack in the 100 metres?

We still have quite a few rounds to go, more exceptional dishes to sample, and points to allocate!

Join in the fun – share your thoughts and your recipes with us…. Comment Below!