I’m not a golfer – indeed, hardly know one end of a club from the other – and living in Singapore, a forced march around a perfect lawn in the mid-day sun is definitely for the mad dogs and English-men! But, that’s not to say that I don’t know you – at least, by reputation – and of course those understated and rather pensive good looks.

Our closest contact – and a story that I sometimes tell – was a staff member who had an uncanny resemblance to you. Imagine his delight walking through Hong Kong airport only to be hailed as Tiger Woods with a request for an autograph… but that was a while ago and since then, nobody would dare to imagine you walking through any airport without an entourage, and after the past few days, that’s going to be a line-up of good looking blondes.

Anyway, I just wanted to catch up with you and say thanks, actually. Not because you’re apparently daft enough to not know about discretion, or because you’ve freed the floor for another star to emerge, but simply because you have demonstrated, with no room for doubt, just what a reputation is worth. I’m in PR, you see, and we tell our clients that a corporate reputation is a pretty fragile creature; demanding of attention, focus and a long term commitment. You won’t build one in a single 18-hole afternoon and once you’ve got it, don’t take it for granted because we all hate being made to feel like a fool when you tumble from the heights…

So, I’ll wish you good luck in the months ahead. I’m not quite sure how you’re planning to make the next grand entrance but if you need any help, do give us a call. We’re in the business of building reputations and you’ve got all it takes; tremendous talent, splendid good looks and if there was ever any doubt, you’re definitely human after all.
