In this current age of financial uncertainty, when one can never tell where their next big gig is going to come from, all businesses need to be outstanding in a unique way to distinguish themselves from their competition. What can we do that will show we are special?
One way is how we care for our customers and how we showcase ourselves in a personable way. The famous Indian motivational speaker Shiv Khera mentioned “Reputation is what others think of you. Character is who you really are as a person.” Who are we as people in the personal sense? It has been said that insincerity can be smoked out within seconds and from body language. At the end of the day, people will do business with the people they like and feel comfortable with. And this is what we should focus on. Our personal touch in dealing with our clientele and practicing ethics in which our personal character plays a role.
That said, we should have ideals but should not lose ourselves in the ideals when reality beckons. At the end of the day, bottom-line is the magic word of all businesses. The challenge is melding the desire for profits and our intrinsic human characteristics for corporate success.