PR & Marketing


Whether you’re developing a new pitch, solving a client problem or trying to generate buzz; creative thinking is absolutely crucial to success. But, all us public relations (PR) and marketing people, will at some point hit that dreaded mental block when creativity and inspiration escapes us.

Hardly surprising when we spend up to 12 hours a day behind a desk and gazing into a computer screen – definitely not a good launchpad for creative thinking. But fear not! We have curated a list of our favourite TED Talks to kick-start your creative thinking and get you right back on track. Not only interesting and great entertainment, these impassioned speeches may be a reminder of ideas and techniques you have already tried out, or get you motivated to try something new. Check them out!


1) 404, The Story of a Page Not Found | Renny Gleeson


The best PR pros in the world are looking out for that “one thing” that others don’t and find unexpected opportunities to create a greater connection between the public and their brand.

Nobody wants to see the 404: Page Not Found error message which is a fact of life, but as Gleeson explains, they are also a moment of potential value to build a better relationship and engage.


2) Why Social Media Is Reimagining Our Future? | Bryan Kramer

Bryan Kramer believes that social media is so popular only because it gives us control of our personal brand: a chance to align the perceptions others with our self-perception.

This session concludes with a live Twitter experiment to test the true reach that sharing can have, he makes a case for the use of social media.


3) How to Get Your Ideas to Spread  | Seth Godin

Seth Godin is one of the most important thought leaders in communications today and has quite a few great TED talks. In this one he highlights the importance of having messages has lost its appeal.


4) Branding from Birth: What’s in a Name? | Stacey Cohen

Everyone has a personal brand that defines who they are and those CEO’s and leaders who actively craft their own brand will exponentially increase mind and market share.

Photos, social media profiles and news stories are permanent and discoverable aspects on a personal brand and it takes effort – so start building.


5) A Recipe For PR Success | Jerry Seilfwer

Jerry Seilfwer talks about choosing your audience wisely. Rather than targeting a new group of people who haven’t heard of your brand, focus on existing customers who know and hopefully value you and get them to expand your brand reach via word-of-mouth.


6) How to Make Choosing Easier | Sheena Iyengar

We all want customized experiences and products — but when faced with 700 options, consumers freeze up and you lose the sale.

With fascinating new research, Sheena Iyengar demonstrates how businesses (and others) can improve the experience of choosing.