The very first newsletter as we know it today was published in 1704 “The Boston News-Letter” to quickly update new arrivals to the American colonies. Two centuries later, in 1903, U.S. Steel published the very first annual report – interestingly certified by Price Waterhouse and Co – and since then organisations have communicated news and updates directly to their relevant – read “important” stakeholders.
It was – and still is – serious business and most companies had some form of newsletter they painstakingly designed, curated with the right photographs, sent off to the printers and then mailed in hard copy to their clients and partners.
It was hard work – terrifyingly expensive in time and resources – but still justified the effort. Why? Because following the old 80:20 rule of thumb, the lion’s share of any enterprise (B2B) company’s new business came from its existing customers. So what better way to reinforce the value proposition, update clients with new product offerings, showcase customer successes with punchy stories and show commitment through hosting events and delivering white papers. All to support the front-line sales team who could only make so many calls in a week.
Then came the Internet and companies today have so many opportunities to engage their customers – one to one, via a blog, on the website, as media editorial placements and all of this as highly targeted as they wish to avoid repetition and build relevance. At Priority we call this “Enterprise Publishing” and our content team understands the power of great content to inform and educate – the fundamentals of building relationships.
Let us know if we can help you prepare your written words – however and wherever we publish! Get in touch with us for a consultation today. Email us at enquiries@changemandate.tech or call us at +65 6338 1006.