On Friday 19th October 2018, Singapore and the European Union signed a Free Trade Agreement, dubbed…

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The World Is Truly Now Our Oyster So Says The Man

“The world is now truly our oyster” exclaims Richard Quest of CNN as he walks out of Singapore…

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Our Thoughts and Prayers for The Hero of Palu

The recent and on-going devastation that began with an earthquake which caused a tsunami, followed…

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thailand cave boys

Wild Boars have the world riveted, while the story unfolds human drama

The world is glued to social media, live minute by minute reports and wall to wall coverage about…

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fake news in malaysia

Fake News and Malaysia’s GE14 – a case study in action

Photo courtesy of The Sun Daily Historical events, as they happen, generate news and stories. Be…

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Historic Trump-Kim Summit in Singapore

Photo courtesy of CNN As the world watches, especially Singaporeans, all agog at the global…

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Malaysia’s zero rated GST – A move forward or several steps back

Photo courtesy of The Malaysian Times On the stroke of midnight June 1, 2018, Malaysia’s Goods and…

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3 things I learned from the recent WannaCry ransomware incident

2017 is starting to look like a busy year for cybersecurity. According to the Cyber Security Report…

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Of disappearance, proactivity and Bevan’s turn to blog

Photograph: AFP It is always important for an organisation to be responsible to its stakeholders,…

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The Revolution will be Tweeted

Is there any question Twitter has revolutionized the way information and news are disseminated?…

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