A winning lineup! The Priority Consultants and Fortinet team at the PR Awards Ceremony with Nolan Ovinis (centre right holding the award ), Cristie Hilado and Lee Zhong Ci, (second and third from the right respectively) (photo credit Priority Consultants).

Priority Consultants scoops Gold and Silver at PR Awards

The Marketing-Interactive PR Awards, saw Priority’s commitment to telling a compelling story to educate the publics across the region win the Gold Award for Best Use of Virtual Platforms, and Silver in the Regional Campaign category. Working with Fortinet, the team at Priority Consultants, not only executed in four countries across the region but helped manage the public education programme across nine countries in the region.


“It was a moment for the books and an emotional evening!” exclaimed Nolan Ovinis, Senior Consultant, Priority Consultants. “Obviously we knew about the nomination, but had no idea we’d win, against a stellar line up of top-notch brands and entries. I am tremendously proud of our team’s achievements – a display of relentless commitment and dedication to deliver results. Winning is exhilarating and our thanks to Fortinet for being a true partner in our shared success.”


General Manager, Cristie Hilado added, “This award has been two years in the making and showcases teamwork and commitment from our team members across the region; Zhong Ci Lee, Donna Iskandar, Muhammad Zulkifli, Sherby Dellenia, Mary VonPossel and Mae Adolfo. Working in partnership with Fortinet they delivered consistent results and the success in successfully shifting the perception of the Fortinet’s capabilities and brand.

Enterprise cybersecurity is highly competitive, made even more demanding by the constantly evolving threat landscape. Fortinet is the global leader in cybersecurity with more than 635,000 customers, including some of the world’s largest enterprises, service providers, and government organizations.

The Challenge

Across Asia, Fortinet’s entrenched reputation as a firewall company was undermining efforts to promote the enhanced capabilities of the Fortinet Security Fabric. A comprehensive security strategy, beyond just a single product, the challenge was to successfully get this message out to the target publics. To address this perception issue across Asia, Priority Consultants was appointed in 2022 to re-shape the media narrative and increase awareness of its diverse security offerings beyond just firewalls.


Previously the communications outreach had been over-reliant on US-centric or global content with little or no local/country-specific narratives. This lack of relevance for the regional target audiences impacted the company’s ability to connect with and engage them. To address this, Fortinet realised it was imperative to develop a more tailored and localised approach to their communications outreach and media engagement efforts.

Cue Priority Consultants

Working hand-in-hand with the client, Priority devised and delivered a communications campaign covering nine countries that dramatically strengthened Share Of Voice through creating distinct country-specific narratives, unique content and interview opportunities for Fortinet story-telling.


To ensure comprehensive media engagement, Priority created and utilized a B2B Virtual Platform as an enabler for full PR / Media outreach. This platform enabled a regional virtual event, helped to leverage an Operational Technology Survey and provided hands-on demonstrations for key media.


Success saw Fortinet achieve No 1 position in Share of Voice across all nine markets through more than 200 media engagements and over 5,000 media articles with 55% of the media coverage obtained in Tier One media addressing the company’s primary target publics.


The Awards are tangible recognition of Priority’s “front-foot” approach driving the narratives through our deep local knowledge of the media and business landscape in each market and the value of our domain expertise in the complex field of cybersecurity.


This professional recognition strongly demonstrates the importance of relationships as the campaign’s success would have been impossible without the deep commitment and partnership between agency and client.


For full details of the PR Awards, please visit:
