Financial Services

The advent of digital banking is transforming the regional financial services scene. Traditional banks are scrambling to upgrade their customer service capabilities to match the value proposition of the challenger banks. The key to the new world of open banking is technology, and we work with both legacy institutions and new players to help them meet the increasing demands from their customer base.

Externally our clients offer enhanced customer relations management solutions, while internally efficiencies come from cross-functional data integration and robotic process automation (RPA). The pressure to deliver more innovative and focused services means there are significant opportunities for niche players to expand into the Asia region, leveraging the dramatic increase in personal and institutional wealth.

At the same time, FIs face increasingly stringent regulatory requirements, from anti-money laundering measures to fraud detection and management. Through media relations campaigns, we build awareness of our clients’ solutions that ensure compliance.

We are constantly studying the state of the financial industry, and through our insights we counsel clients on how best to engage with employees, customers, regulators and all other stakeholders.

The Priority Blog

News and insights from our team across the region

The Crisis Within

The Crisis Within How Fears, Uncertainties and Doubts escalate into a crisis point. “Crisis Communications” once sparked images...